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Could Another Great Resignation Be Right Around the Corner?

As the pace of technological change increases in our workplaces, employees are struggling with the adoption of new technologies and the constant upskilling needed to keep up. Productivity improvements driven by new technologies are creating stressful environments where more is expected from everyone without commensurate pay increases. 

As a result, it appears that a significant share of Millennials, Gen X, and Gen Z workers are considering plans to resign in greater numbers than in the Great Resignation of 2022. As we head into 2025, how will companies get ahead of another potential looming wave of mass resignations?

... (a survey of) over 56,000 participants globally reveals a concerning trend: 28% of workers are planning to resign, a significant increase from the 19% recorded during the Great Resignation of 2022.


governance risk & compliance, interim management services, restructuring & turnaround, technology enablement, accounting & finance operations, talent and culture, workplace trends, viewpoints