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The CEO - CFO Dynamic and the Essential Role of Investor Relations

Recent data suggests investors now rank a strong CFO above a strong CEO, and 67% of CEOs agree success rests on the CFO's shoulders. Maybe, but the ideal CEO-CFO dynamic hinges on balance. If this duo doesn't see eye-to-eye and challenge each other, the company risks unchecked ambition or excessive restraint. Investors have seen both movies and know how they end.

Reconciling the Narrative
To convey this balance to investors without losing clarity, Investor Relations must unify the CEO’s ambition and the CFO’s discipline into a single, compelling message. 

  • Growth vs. Risk: Investors crave growth but want to minimize risk. IR’s role is to show how the CFO’s risk management is not a constraint but the foundation for responsible growth.
  • Vision vs. Execution: A CEO's vision inspires; the CFO ensures it's backed by measurable results. IR connects the dots, showing how short-term wins drive long-term strategy.
  • Optimism vs. Realism: Inspiration is easy; trust is earned. IR balances the CEO’s energy with the CFO’s pragmatism, creating a narrative that’s promising and credible.

The Bottom Line
The real power in the CEO-CFO relationship lies in how they elevate each other’s thinking. With a strong CFO at the table, a CEO can afford to be more visionary; with a CEO they trust, a CFO can confidently push the strategy further. Great IR then merges this vision and discipline into a compelling roadmap investors can trust.  

Recent events, such as the COVID-19 pandemic, “have really seen [CFOs] step into the spotlight,” OneStream wrote in its report on the survey, which included 1,000 CFOs, 250 CEOs, 250 line-of-business leaders and 500 investors with assets of at least $10 billion. “Businesses are increasingly relying on finance leaders to steer them through uncertainty and ensure resilience.” Most (67%) of the CEOs themselves said they believed an organization’s success or failure rests on the shoulders of the CFO.


strategic communications, executives, leadership, office of the cfo