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| 1 minute read

Why I Love Advertising with Video on LinkedIn

I'm part of the video producers who create memorable ads for 19% of B2B viewers. But most B2B companies don't create that way according to the data, and that leaves a great opportunity for us.

Videos are proven to be highly engaging and when marketed to the right audiences, they can yield gold. Most professional service firms are scared to create something that is different from every other firm. They don't want to be trailblazers; they don't want to do things differently; they don't want to be creative. 

But like Julia Roberts said in Pretty Woman, going back to the sales woman on Rodeo Drive who was on commission and refused to serve her, 

“Big mistake. Big. Huge. I have to go produce video ads now.”

It's a great article - but since I know only 15% of you will read the original source (according to data from Passle), here is the TLDR:

  1. Attention spans are short (3.7 seconds).  Cater to that.
  2. Brand early and often (3 times is not too many).
  3. Short clips (as in 10 seconds).
  4. Sound enhances memory and engagement.

Years ago, I owned a video production company (Intelligent Video Solutions) and worked with professional service firms long before TikTok and IG were a thing. All the stuff that was true then is even more true now. I was a little too early. Can't wait to do things differently here. The time is right.

The majority of B2B video adverts do not grab viewers “attention” or “drive brand recall”, according to new research from the LinkedIn B2B Institute and advertising research firm Media Science. Of the 109 real B2B adverts shown to 770 users as they scroll through a LinkedIn feed, 53% of participants fail to recognise the advert and, of those, only 36% correctly identify the brand. The results come from biometric tracking while the user watches the advert, combined with a post-tracking recall survey.  Put another way, on average only 19% of participants both remember the advert and attribute it to the correct brand. According to the study, 81% of the time the “creative and media dollars behind a campaign are wasted” as they fail to be noticeable or memorable.


video, b2badvertising, b2b, linkedin, new york city, business development, marketing, talent and culture, workplace trends