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Evolution of FP&A Role Accelerating and Elevating

The convergence of Big Data, Artificial Intelligence, and Machine Learning is changing the world in innumerable ways. While the timing and impact of this convergence is up for debate depending on your sector or functional role in an organization, the reality is that most sectors and jobs will be impacted to varying degrees in the not-too-distant future. One functional role that is already being impacted by the convergence is financial planning and analysis (FP&A). 

FP&A roles are at the leading edge of what will be needed to successfully navigate this convergence and will become more strategically important as companies navigate a world where the pace of change will only increase. Companies that prioritize investments to bolster their FP&A roles, in both systems and talent, will have competitive advantages over companies that delay investments. 

The field of financial planning and analysis (FP&A) has witnessed remarkable advancements in recent years, driven by technological innovations and changing business landscapes. The integration of AI, advanced analytics and real-time data has empowered FP&A professionals to provide strategic insights and drive business performance.


accounting & finance operations, business performance improvement, accounting advisory, artificial intelligence, private equity, office of the cfo, talent and culture, workplace trends, viewpoints