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IPOs Are Finally Back

Bloomberg reported that, according to a senior JPMorgan banker, IPOs are finally making a comeback, driven by sponsor-led listings. Over the past two years, the IPO market has been weak, experiencing significant volatility due to various factors including the remaining effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, tightening monetary policies, geopolitical tensions, and the collapse of SPACs, which has impacted valuations and investor confidence.

In this environment, private equity funds have a limited ability to monetize their portfolio companies through IPOs, restricting their capacity to return capital to their limited partners and raise new capital. However, recent IPO activity and the easing of monetary policies suggest that this trend may finally be reversing.

The reopening of the IPO market represents significant opportunities for investment banks with strong equity capital markets teams, as well as for financial advisors positioned to support their clients throughout the IPO process. 

Riveron has a dedicated team that assists sponsors and companies with every stage of the IPO process, from complex accounting and financial reporting to the preparation of first-time financial statements, audit support, Form S-1 and other SEC filings, as well as post-IPO reporting.

The market for initial public offerings of companies that are owned by the likes of private equity firms is picking up, buoying the outlook for such first-time share sales heading into next year, says a top JPMorgan Chase & Co. banker.


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