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Accountants as AI Strategists?

I'm happy to see fellow accountants taking the lead in deploying AI tools. I believe the accounting profession needs to change its image, from number crunching into something more value added. This is an opportunity to take the lead. Go for it. Test out that AI software (responsibly). Find a new way to present the information with deeper insights. Stop saying “that's the way we have always done it.” 

In many cases, testing AI may be out of necessity due to a shortage in qualified accountants, but there are also opportunities to be innovative and strategic. There has been a proliferation of new accounting and finance tools utilizing AI. Ask for a demo or a pilot. You may find out that you are more strategic than you think. 

Accountants are taking a leading role in shaping artificial intelligence (AI) and data strategies across businesses, according to a report published today by ACCA (the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants). Based on interviews and a survey of more than 900 finance leaders who are already using AI, the report, Smart alliance, found 56% said they had an advisory role in adopting AI and 20% said they were the strategic owners.


accounting advisory, accounting & finance operations, technology enablement, artificial intelligence, office of the cfo, workplace trends