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The RTO and WFH Dilemma

When I joined Riveron as a tax advisory professional on March 16, 2020, it was the day our offices were shut down for COVID. Did anyone expect that working from home would be the new normal? Would returning to the office be viewed as a huge burden? This was not in my realm of possibilities. I miss the days of spontaneous lunches and huddling around a conference room table to complete a client deliverable.  

There are many companies that have downsized their office space. This eliminates the ability for all employees to be in person on the same day. How are the young workers going to observe the more seasoned professionals as they deal with clients, conflict, opportunity, or stress? Learning from watching others has influenced the leader I have become. It will be interesting to see how companies and workers adjust.  

The move (of some companies returning to offices) made many people wonder whether the normalization of cats in the background of Zoom calls will be an enduring pandemic legacy after all. The unofficial spokesperson of the RTO movement, JPMorgan CEO Jamie Dimon, has previously said remote work stifles “spontaneous idea generation.” Meanwhile, workers are not keen... a recent working paper from the University of Chicago found that top talent tends to ditch companies in response to RTO mandates.


consulting professionals, financial services, accounting advisory, tax advisory, talent and culture, workplace trends