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| 1 minute read

How Multiple Ideas Can Forge a Single Pursuit: Hamilton's Creator on Idea Development

Those of us who are not linear thinkers can sometimes confuse the hell out of the more analytical among us. At any given time, my mind is processing hundreds of new ideas and new ways of tackling the short-term business goal of the moment, and longer-term financial goals of the firm.

The ideas that don't leave me alone are the synaptic connectors that supercharge the change I strive to implement. They are the ones that combine storytelling, content, sound engineering, conversations with marketers and software developers, videographers and editors, social media experts and, of course, our professionals.

This short piece from an interview with Lin-Manuel Miranda from the Fast Company Innovation Festival in NY provided a peek into Miranda's creative process. I thought it was inspiring for those of us who create new programs or paths, and lead others to come along for the journey. Creatives often have to choose which idea to pursue to complete a project, but the problem-solving that accompanies working as a consultant or business advisor is not that dissimilar. 

I would argue that gathering data, doing additional research, and working with team members to discern the best path forward for a client is equally creative - it just doesn't involve paint, set designs, or songs.  

I am a huge proponent of being curious and learning content outside our own swim lanes. For me this week, one nugget was about the nuances of our Tax Advisory offerings.  

For my financially and data focused colleagues, I'd encourage you to read this short piece and see if there are any takeaways you can apply to your own worlds.



“If it’s just one idea, it will probably die in the impulse phase. If the idea opens avenues and you see many more roads, that’s worth pursuing. It doesn’t leave you alone,” Miranda said.


business development, consulting professionals, marketing