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Truth: I'm a Sales Leader with a CMO Title

This short Forbes Council piece beautifully illustrates the need for marketing to support our B2B professionals in all our sales efforts. Marketing and sales are not separate - we are inextricably linked and for brave and creative CMOs, we get to color outside the lines and blaze new trails. 

Grateful to work with leadership who are willing to focus on great storytelling and lean into our visuals to help make our story memorable and relevant to our clients and their needs.

Excited to launch our refreshed brand shortly and more clearly convey to CFOs, Private Equity, and other stakeholders how we can help them, and their PortCos, simplify their complex business challenges.

In today’s world, we suffer from information overload, so marketers should be smart about spend, using creative approaches (e.g., humor and guerrilla marketing) to stand out and make their dollars go further. Keeping your brand at the forefront of your buyers’ minds will also help the sales team get in front of prospects.


marketing, private equity, office of the cfo, lenders, consulting professionals, business development